
Sunday, 25 October 2015


When you hurt yourself physically, you know that you must clean up the wound, disinfect it and protect it so it can heal. You also know that the healing process will require that you slow down and patiently care for the bruised body part until it heals over time. Some of that care might require that you stop by a hospital to see a doctor. 

When you suffer a breakup in a relationship, the emotional wound is internal: in the mind, the will and the emotions of the parties affected. Because you cannot see the size or critical state of the wound in question, you are unable to determine the true condition of your heart and your emotions. Therefore, you cannot not clean up, sanitize and protect the wound to make sure it heals until whole. Also, because you cannot determine the magnitude of the wound you cannot determine whether a visit to a counsellor to get further treatment is necessary. And you certainly do not allow the healing process enough rest and time to recover and be restored! 

Consequently, so many people looking for love stumble from one dysfunctional relationship into another, hurting and being hurt. They find a new partner, enjoy the honeymoon phase, and fall back into the same hurtful patterns that doom all their relationships to fail over and over again. They point the finger at a wayward partner and place the blame squarely at his or her feet. But the reality could be that they were never in the right emotional condition to make the right choices necessary to experience healthy wholesome love connections with anyone!  Is it any wonder then that so many eventually settle for casual sex over love, one night stands over long term commitment, and friends with benefits over intimacy and fulfilment?

The book STOP HURTING, START LOVING will help you
1.       Identify if you’re hurting and you don’t know it.
2.      Start you on your way to emotional healing and restoration of self-worth.
3.      Clearly identify your perception of love and why, and replace it with the right one.
4.      Create a wholesome compelling picture of your Mr Right.
5.      Produce the mindset, beliefs and behaviour necessary to attract him into your life.
6.      Get him to love you and be committed to you for who you are.
7.      Find fulfilment and satisfaction in the right relationship.

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